The IAS-Team led by the Jun.-Prof. Andrey Morozov took part in the IMECE 2021 conference. This exposition is organized by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers during 01.-05.11.2021. On 11.11.2021 the SERAD division of the ASME held an award ceremony for the Student Safety Innovation Challenge. This award is sponsored by FM Global. The 1st place winner in the graduate category is a paper presented by our PhD student Tagir Fabarisov, who joined IAS this year. Additionally, the Honorable Mention Award was awarded to Yuliang Ma, Sheng Ding, and Philipp Grimmeisen. We are congratulating our colleagues and wishing them further productive and fruitful research.
This year Jun.-Prof. Andrey Morozov was the chair of the conference track devoted to Safety Engineering, Risk, and Reliability Analysis. Around 10 sessions organized by this track, there were presented 55 articles. During the conference, there were also presented papers from our PhD students who are working on their research for several semesters now. Furthermore, there were presentations from the PhD students who just started their work at the IAS.
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