Choosing the IAS
The teaching at IAS emphasises equally on practical orientation and research. If you are unable to decide between Mechanical, Automotive, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or Software Engineering, you would fit perfectly into the Industrial Automation and Software Engineering topic at IAS.
Exciting subject matters for your thesis
We offer our students exciting subject matters for their Bachelor, Research or Master Thesis, and PhD students are able to undertake their doctoral thesis in light of the latest trends with scientific profundity. Our graduates are able to tap into a diverse pool of job opportunities and are in-demand in the industry as well in research establishments. Due to their optimum training, they are able to jump-start their careers.
Valuable qualifications for your job
To study at IAS means to acquire valuable qualifications and to work independently on projects. This can, by all means, also have an entertainment element in addition to scientific work, for example display of demonstrators, and simultaneously familiarising oneself to working life. The course also provides direct contact to companies such as in the framework of the lecture series, and supports students during their overseas exchange semesters.
New didactic method of teaching
Furthermore, students profit from the new didactic method of teaching, i.e. recordings of the lectures courses are available as downloads. Documents for the lectures and laboratory courses, simulations as well as past exam papers are online on the University website ILIAS.