
The combination of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering at our Institute distinguishes us from other Universities.

Practice what is taught,
Teach based on research,
Apply research results

The motto of the IAS

IAS trailer

Source: YouTube


The focus of our research work lies in Automation Technology. The research assistants analyse aspects of software development, the reliability and learning capabilities of automotive systems as well as Web and App technologies in Automation technology. IAS works together on projects with well-known research institutes as well as Industrial companies.


We offer our students exciting subject matters for their Bachelor, Research or Master Thesis and PhD students are able to undertake their doctoral thesis in light of the latest trends with scientific profundity. Our graduates are able to tap into a diverse pool of job opportunities and are in-demand in the industry as well in research establishments. Due to their optimum training, they are able to jump-start their careers.


The alumni and Industrial representatives meet at VFIAS to exchange ideas and establish contacts.



Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering

Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70550 Stuttgart, Germany

This image shows Michael Weyrich

Michael Weyrich

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c.

Head of institute

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