This image shows Daniel Dittler

Daniel Dittler


Academic staff
Institute of Industrial Automation and Software Engineering


+49 711 685 67321
+49 711 685 67302

Pfaffenwaldring 47
70550 Stuttgart
Room: 2.139

Journals and conferences:
  1. 2023

    1. P. Häbig, D. Dittler, M. Fey, T. Müller, N. Mößner, N. Jazdi, M. Weyrich, and K. Hufendiek, “A Modular System Architecture for an Offshore Off-grid Platform for Climate-neutral Power-to-X Production in H2Mare,” May 2023.
    2. D. Dittler, P. Lierhammer, D. Braun, T. Müller, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “A Novel Model Adaption Approach for intelligent Digital Twins of Modular Production Systems,” 2023, pp. 1–8.
    3. G. Hildebrandt, P. Habiger, D. Dittler, R. Drath, and M. Weyrich, “Automated Integration of External Data into Digital Twins for Manufacturing Processes,” 2023, pp. 1–8.
    4. M. Artelt, D. Dittler, G. Hildebrandt, D. Braun, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “Dynamic Production Scheduling with Intelligent Products in a Modular Production System,” 2023, pp. 1–4.
    5. V. Stegmaier, D. Dittler, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “Influence of Solvers and their Characteristics on Simulation Time and Accuracy Exemplified for a Vacuum Gripping System,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 120, pp. 714–719, Jan. 2023.
    6. B. C. Gül, N. Devarakonda, D. Dittler, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “Using Federated Learning in the Context of Software-Defined Mobility Systems for Predictive Quality of Service,” AUTOMATION 2023, pp. 591–610, 2023.
    7. F. Listl, J. Fischer, A. Sohr, D. Dittler, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “Utilizing ISA-95 in an Industrial Knowledge Graph for Material Flow Simulation - Semantic Model Extensions and Efficient Data Integration,” Procedia CIRP, vol. 120, pp. 1558–1563, Jan. 2023.
  2. 2022

    1. D. Dittler, D. Braun, T. Müller, V. Stegmaier, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “A procedure for the derivation of project-specific intelligent Digital Twin implementations in industrial automation,” in EKA 2022 - Entwurf komplexer Automatisierungssysteme, 17. Fachtagung“, Magdeburg, Deutschland, Juni 2022, 2022.
    2. V. Stegmaier, D. Dittler, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “A structure of modelling depths in behavior models for Digital Twins,” in 27th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), Stuttgart, Germany, September 2022, 2022.
    3. D. Dittler, T. Müller, V. Stegmaier, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “Anwendungsoptimierte Modelladaption des Digitalen Zwillings eines modularen Produktionssystems während der Betriebsphase,” in Automation 2022 At: Baden-Baden, Deutschland, Juni, 2022, 2022.
    4. D. Dittler, P. Häbig, G. Demirel, N. Mößner, T. Müller, N. Jazdi, K. Hufendiek, and M. Weyrich, “Digitaler Zwilling für eine modulare Offshore-Plattform: Effizienzsteigerung grüner Power-to-X-Produktionsprozesse,” atp magazin, Vol. 63, No. 6-7, pp. 72-80, June 2022, 2022.
    5. T. Müller, B. Maschler, D. Dittler, N. Jazdi, and M. Weyrich, “Intelligent Exploration of Solution Spaces Exemplified by Industrial Reconfiguration Management,” Jul. 2022.

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